Lesson 4: Funerary Decorations: Flora & Fauna to Consider
Decorations, Food & Beverages, Music & Ambiance
Whether you want an all-out funeral with the viewing and everything that goes with it, or you want just a simple memorial, the type of ritual and décor are just as important here as they were for your wedding (if you’ve ever gotten married). So why leave this to the family as well? Why not have your entire ritual ceremony from beginning to end already planned? It would certainly be easier on the family! Besides, if you hate daisies and they decorated with daisies because that’s what they liked, well, personally I be pissed….and there would be nothing I could do about it!
Now, if none of this matters to you, then don’t worry about it. But if you’re like me and you have very definite tastes, then at least consider putting together your own funerary rite, decorations, location, music, etc..
Ok, your location will pretty much determine your “seating” or not. It would be rather hard to carry a load of chairs to a wooded area. Conversely, in a park, it wouldn’t be so difficult, but do you want the public around for such a private affair?
Will there be food & beverages? Inside or outside eating? Quiet & subdued or ending with a party? Maybe a combination of the two? Will it be catered, or potluck where everyone brings something?
Do you like classical, new-age, or rock music? What sort of mood do you want to have? Maybe soothing at first and later move into something more upbeat.
A very loving project my sister and I did for my mother’s family when our Mom passed was to put together photo albums of Mom’s life with us, which of course, was after her growing-up life with them. This way they were able to see snippits of her life over the years, aside from the moments when she would go back for family visits. They really appreciated it, and we now each have Memoriam Albums of our Mother’s life that can be passed on to our kids along with all of the other photos accumulated over the years.
These albums and the photos others brought to the Memorial were placed on a specially decorated table with chairs so anyone could stop, sit, and browse through the pictures. That table ended up being the “center” of the entire day.
Another special table was where Mom’s ashes in their special box were placed for display. It was later taken to the cemetery and buried. The box was an octagonal inlaid music box that played “Amazing Grace”, Mom’s favorite hymn. We wound it up, placed it back in its protective case and buried it as we all sang along with the music coming from the music box. Even after it was completely buried, we could still faintly hear the music box playing. That was very cool!
There really are a great many things to consider! So, take your time, think it all through and begin writing it all down. Over the years you’ll make changes, tweaking it here and there, but at least you’ll know that your final event in this life will be what you want!
Language of Flowers
Most people today have no idea that flowers have meanings, not just their colors. Floral & funerary services only go by color: white for purity, the sacred, etc.; bright colors to uplift, etc. But did you know that one of the favorite flowers for funerary arrangements, the Gladiolus actually means “love at first sight”?! Unless the spouse and that person had love at first sight when they first met, I’d say this is about theee worst flower to have!
In the comprehensive list below, you will see what flowers are “good” for certain occasions and which are not. It is a great list to keep for future reference - and you’ll know something your florist won’t!!! There is also a list of the Birth and Anniversary Month Flowers as well.
The Language Of Flowers: What They Mean
All flowers have a meaning. The Victorians used to use flowers as a symbol to express their feelings. Here is a list of different flowers and their meanings.
Acacia - Secret love, Concealed Love, Beauty in Retirement, Chaste Love
Acorn - Nordic symbol of life and immortality
Agapanthus - Love, Love letters
Alium - Strength
Almond (Flowering) - Hope
Aloe - Grief
Allspice - Compassion
Alstroemeria - Friendship, Devotion, Wealth, Prosperity, Fortune
Alyssum - Worth beyond beauty
Amaryllis - Pride, Determination, Radiant beauty, Timidity
Ambrosia - Love returned
Anemone - Unfading love, Anticipation, Forsaken, Expectation
Angelica - Inspiration
Aniseed - Restoration of youth
Anthurium - Hospitality, Lover
Apple - Preference
Apple (Blossoms) - Good fortune
Arbutis - Thee only do I love
Ash Tree - Grandeur
Asparagus Fern - Fascination
Aster - Love, Daintiness, Enchantment, Patience, Variety, Elegance, 20th Anniversary Flower, September Birth Flower
Astilbe - I’ll still be waiting
Azalea - Love, Romance, First love, Take care of yourself for me, Fragile passion, Temperance, Chinese symbol of womanhood
Baby's Breath - Everlasting Love, Innocence
Bachelor Button - Celibacy, Single blessedness, Felicity
Balsam - Ardent love
Bamboo - Strength, Loyalty, Steadfastness
Basil - Best Wishes, Love
Bay (leaf) - Strength
Bay (wreath) - Merit reward
Beech Tree - Prosperity
Begonia - Beware, Be cordial, Fanciful nature
Bells Of Ireland - Good luck, Gratitude, Whimsy
Birch - Meekness
Bird Of Paradise - Magnificence, Joyfulness, Paradise, 9th Anniversary Flower
Bittersweet - Truth
Black Poplar - Courage
Bluebell - Humility, Constancy, Grief
Blueberry - Prayer
Borage - Courage
Bouquet of Withered Flowers - Rejected love
Bouvardia - Enthusiasm
Broom - Humility, Neatness
Bugle - Lovable, Cheers the heart
Burnet - A merry heart
Buttercup - Cheerfulness, Childishness, Riches, Ingratitude
Butterfly Weed - Let me go
Cactus - Endurance, Warmth
Calendula - Joy, Grace, Grief, Jealousy, October Birth Flower
Camellia (general) - Admiration, Perfection, Gratitude, Loveliness, Good luck gift to a man
Camellia (pink) - Longing for you
Camellia (red) - You’re a flame in my heart
Camellia (white) - You’re adorable
Candytuft - Indifference
Carnation (general) Bonds of affection, Health & energy, Fascination, Distinction, Dovine love, Woman love, Yes, January Birth Flower, Mother’s Day, Teacher’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Ohio State Flower
Carnation (pink) - I'll never forget you, Mother’s undying love, A woman’s love
Carnation (purple) - Capriciousness; Whimsical; Changeable
Carnation (dark red) - My heart aches for you; Deep love, Affection, Admiration, Friendship, Pride, Fascination
Carnation (light red) - Admiration
Carnation (solid color) -Yes
Carnation (striped)- No, Refusal, Sorry I can't be with you, Wish I could be with you
Carnation (white) -Sweet & lovely, Innocence, Pure love, Woman's good luck gift, Faithfulness, Ardent love
Carnation (yellow) - Rejection, Disdain, You have disappointed me
Cattail - Peace, Prosperity
Cedar - Strength
Chamomile - Patience, attracts wealth
Chestnut Tree - Justice, Luxury
Chrysanthemum (general) - Cheerfulness, Rest, You're a wonderful friend, Optimism, Joy, Truth, Long life, 13th Anniversary Flower, November Birth Flower, Flower of the city of Chicago
Chrysanthemum (red) - I love you
Chrysanthemum (white) - Truth, Loyal love
Chrysanthemum (yellow) -Slighted love
Clematis - Clever, Intellectual, 8th Anniversary Flower
Clover (general) - Be mine, Faith, Hope, Love
Clover (4-leaf) - Luck
Cloves - Dignity
Columbine - Salvation, Strength, Wisdom
Coreopsis - Always cheerful
Coriander - Lust
Corn - Riches
Cornflower - Delicacy
Cosmos - Modesty, 2nd Anniversary Flower, October Birth Flower
Cowslip - Pensiveness, Winning grace, Beauty & grace
Cranberry - Heartache cure
Crocus - Cheerfulness, Abuse not, Gladness
Cyclamen - Resignation & goodbye
Cypress - Mourning, Death
Clover - Good luck
Daffodil - Respect, Regard, Unrequited love, You’re the only one, Happiness, The sun is always shining when I’m with you, 10th Anniversary Flower, March Birth Flower
Daffodil (single) - Misfortune
Daffodil (multitude) - Joy, Happiness
Dahlia - Instability, Dignity, Forever, Good taste, 14th Anniversary Flower
Daisy - Innocence, Loyal love, I’ll never tell, Purity, Love that conquers all, 5th Anniversary Flower, April Birth Flower
Dandelion - Wishes come true, Faithfulness, Happiness, Love’s oracle
Day Lily - Coquetry, 20th Anniversary Flower
Delphinium - Open heart, Ardent attachment, Lightness & levity, Big-hearted, Fun, July Birth Flower
Dogwood - Durability
Elder - Zealousness
Elderberry - Zeal, Kindness
Elm - Dignity
Eremurus - Endurance
Eucalyptus - Protection
Euphorbia - Persistence
Fennel - Worthy of all praise, Strength, Praise
Fern - Sincerity, Magic, Fascination, Confidence, Shelter
Fern (Maidenhair) - Secret bond of love
Feverfew - Protection, Good health
Filbert - Reconciliation
Fir - Time
Flax - Domestic symbol, Fate, Kindness
Fleur-de-lis - Flame
Flytrap - Deceit
Forget-me-not - True love, Memories, Hope, Remembrance
Forsythia - Anticipation
Foxglove - Insincerity
Freesia - Innocence, Friendship, Thoughtfulness, 7th Anniversary Flower
Fuschia - Taste, 3rd Anniversary Flower
Gardenia - You're lovely, Secret love, Joy, Sweet love, Good luck
Garland of roses - Reward of virtue
Garlic - Courage, Strength, Protection
Geranium - Preference, Stupidity, Folly, Comfort, Gentility, 4th Anniversary Flower
Ginger - Strength, Safety, Pleasantness, Warmth, Comfort
Gladiolus - Love at first sight, Infatuation, Pierced with passion, Give me a break, I’m really sincere, Flower of the Gladiators, Strength of character, Remembrance, Splendid beauty, Admiration, You pierce my heart like a sword, 40th Anniversary Flower, August Birth Flower
Gloxinia - Love at first sight
Goldenrod - Encouragement
Grass - Submission; utility
Hazel - Reconciliation
Heather (lavender) - Admiration, Solitude, Good luck, Protection, Beauty
Heather (white) - Protection, Wishes will come true
Hellebore - Beautiful year ahead
Hens & Chicks - Welcome home husband (however drunk you are!)
Hibiscus - Delicate beauty
Holly - Good will, Defense, Domestic happiness, Foresight, December Birth Flower
Hollyhock - Ambition, Fruitfulness, 13th Anniversary Flower
Honeysuckle - Generous & devoted affection, Bonds of love, June Birth Flower
Hops - Mirth
Hosta - Devotion
Huckleberry - Simple pleasure
Hyacinth (general) - Games & sports, Rashness, Apollo’s flower
Hyacinth (blue) - Constancy, Sincerity
Hyacinth ( purple) - I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Sorrow
Hyacinth (red or pink) - Play
Hyacinth (white) - Loveliness, I'll pray for you
Hyacinth (yellow) - Jealousy
Hydrangea - Thank you for understanding, Frigidity, Heartlessness, Vanity, Boastfulness, Gratefulness & understanding, Heartfelt emotions, Grace & beauty, 4th Anniversary Flower
Hyssop - Wards away evil spirits
Iris - Faith, Hope, Wisdom & valor, Your friendship means so much to me, Passion, My compliments, 25th Anniversary Flower, February Birth Flower, Tennessee State Flower
Iris (blue) - Faith, Hope
Iris (purple) - Wisdom, Compliments
Iris (white) - Purity
Ivy - Fidelity, Friendship, Affection, Wedded love, Anxious to please, Marriage
Ixia - Happiness
Jack-in-the-Pulpit - 7th Anniversary Flower
Jasmine (white or Indian)- Amiability, Attracts wealth, Sensuality, Attachment, I attach myself to you
Jasmine (Spanish) - Sensuality
Jasmine (yellow) - Grace, Elegance
Jonquil - Love me, Affection returned, Desire, Sympathy, Desire for a return of affection, March Birth Flower
Juniper - Protection
Lady’s Slipper - Capricious beauty, Win me
Lamb’s Ears - Support
Lantana - Rigour
Larkspur (general) - Fickleness, Ardent attachment, Levity, Lightness, July Birth Flower
Larkspur (pink) - Fickleness
Larkspur (purple) - First love
Laurel - Glory, Success
Lavender - Devotion, Happiness, Success, Luck, Distrust
Leatherleaf Fern - Fascination
Lemon - Zest
Lemon Balm - Brings love
Lemon Blossoms - Faithful love
Lemon Verbena - Attracts opposite sex
Lilac (general) - Youthful, Humility, Confidence, 8th Anniversary Flower, New Hampshire State Flower
Lilac (purple) - First emotions of love
Lilac (white) - Youthful innocence, Purity,
Lily (general) - Majesty, Wealth, Pride, Innocence, Purity, Virginity, Modesty, The Soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death, Keeps unwanted visitors away, 30th Anniversary Flower, May Birth Flower
Lily (Calla) - Beauty, 6th Anniversary Flower
Lily (Day) - Coquetry
Lily (Eucharis) - Maiden charms
Lily (orange) - Hatred, Flame, I burn for you
Lily (Tiger) - Wealth, Pride
Lily (white) - Virginity, Chastity, Virtue, Purity, Majesty, It's heavenly to be with you, Virgin Mary
Lily (yellow) - I'm walking on air, False, Gay
Lily of the valley - Sweetness, Purity of heart, Return to happiness, Humility, Devotion, Tears of the Virgin Mary, You’ve made my life complete, 2nd Anniversary Flower, May Birth Flower
Lisianthus - Appreciation
Live Oak - Liberty
Lotus Blossom - Estranged love
Magnolia - Dignity, Sweetness, Beauty, Love of nature, Nobility
Maple - Reserve
Marigold - Comforts the heart, Cruelty, Grief, Jealousy, Affection
Marigold (Pot) - Grief, Despair
Marjoram - Blushes
Mimosa - Sensitivity
Mint - Protection from illness, Warmth of feeling, Virtue
Marjoram (sweet) - Joy & happiness
Mistletoe - Kiss me, Affection, To surmount difficulties, Sacred plant of India
Monkshood - Beware, a deadly foe is near, Chivalry, Danger
Morning Glory - Loves you, Affection, 11th Anniversary Flower, September Birth Flower
Moss - Maternal love, Charity
Mulberry Tree - Wisdom
Mushroom - Suspicion
Myrrh - Love, Hebrew emblem of love
Myrtle - Love, Hebrew emblem of marriage
Narcissus - Egotism, Conceit, Self love, Self admiration, Formality, Stay as sweet as you are, December Birth Flower
Nasturtium - Conquest, Victory in battle, Maternal love, Charity, Patriotism, 40th Anniversary Flower
Nightshade - Truth
Oak Tree - Hospitality
Oak (leaves) - Bravery
Oleander - Caution, Beware
Olive Branch - Peace
Orange - Generosity
Orange Blossom - Brings wisdom, Innocence, Eternal love, Marriage & fruitfulness, Purity, Pure loveliness, Chastity
Orange (Mock) - Deceit
Orchid - Love, Luxury, Rare & delicate beauty, Mature charm, Long life, Strength, Refinement, Beautiful lady, Virility, Chinese symbol for many children, 14th & 28th Anniversary Flower
Orchid (cattleya) - Mature charm
Palm leaves - Victory, Success
Pansy - Thoughts, Love, Loyalty, 1st Anniversary Flower
Paper white - Aphrodisiac
Parsley - Festivity, Thanks, Gratitude
Peach Blossoms - Longevity, Captive, Unequalled qualities
Pear Blossoms - Affection
Pear Tree - Comfort
Peony - Bashfulness, Shame, Good health, Aphrodisiac, Riches, Honor, Prosperity, Good fortune, Happy life, Happy marriage, Shame, Symbol of China, Indiana State Flower, 12th Anniversary Flower
Peppermint - Cordiality, Warmth
Periwinkle - Friendship
Petunia - Resentment, Anger, Your presence soothes me, Don’t despair
Phlox - Unanimity, United hearts, United souls
Pine - Hope, Pity, Warm friendship, Vigorous life, Spiritual energy
Pine (cone) - Conviviality, Life
Pineapple - Perfection
Pinks - Boldness
Plum Tree - Fidelity, Longevity
Poinsettia - Purity, Good cheer, Success, Happiness, Celebration, December Birth Flower
Poplar - Courage, Time
Poppy (general) - Eternal sleep, Oblivion, Imagination, 9th Anniversary Flower, August Birth Flower
Poppy (red) -Pleasure, Consolation
Poppy (white) - Consolation, Sleep
Poppy( yellow) - Wealth, Success
Prickly Pear - Satire
Primrose - I can't live without you, Early youth, Happiness, Satisfaction, I can’t live without you, February Birth Flower
Primrose (Evening) - Inconstancy, Happy love
Protea - Change, Transformation, Diversity, Courage
Pussy Willow - Recovery from illness
Queen Anne’s Lace - Sanctuary
Quince - Temptation
Ranunculus - Dazzled by your charms, Radiantly charming, Attractive
Rhododendron - Danger, Caution
Rhubarb - Advice
Rose (general)(Red) - Love, Passion, Perfection, I love you, 15th Anniversary Flower, June Birth Flower, June is National Rose Month, National Flower of the United States, State Flower of Georgia, Iowa, New York, North Dakota, and the District of Columbia
Rose (deep red) - Un-self-conscious beauty
Rose( white) - Eternal Love, Innocence, Heavenly, Secrecy & silence, Purity, I am worthy of you, Friendship, Truth, Virtue, Girlhood, Humility, Spiritual love, But of the soul, Reverence, Charm, Happy love
Rose (white - dried) - Death is preferable to the loss of virtue
Rose (pink) - Perfect happiness, Please believe me, Appreciation, Admiration, Friendship, Sympathy
Rose (dark pink) - Thankfulness
Rose (light pink) - Grace, Gladness, Joy, Perfect happiness, Please believe me, Gratitude, Admiration, Gentility
Rose (yellow) - Friendship, Jealousy, Try to care, Joy, True love, Decrease of love, Freedom, Slighted love, Shows “I care”, Gladness
Rose (black) -Death
Rose (red & white together) - Togetherness, Unity, Flower emblem of England
Rose (red & yellow together) - Happiness, Congratulations
Rose (yellow & orange together) - Passionate thoughts
Rose (burgundy) - Beauty within
Rose (coral) - Desire
Rose (hibiscus) - Delicate beauty
Rose (lavender) - Love at first sight, Enchantment
Rose (leaf) - You may hope
Rose (thornless) - Love at first sight
Rose bud - Beauty and youth, Heart innocent of love
Rose bud (red) - Pure and lovely
Rose bud (white) - Girlhood
Rosebud (moss) - Confessions of love
Rose (single full bloom) - I love you, I still love you, New love
Roses (bouquet of full blooms) - Gratitude
Roses( garland or crown) - Beware of virtue; reward of merit; crown ; symbol of superior merit
Roses (musk cluster) - Charming
Rose (tea) - I'll always remember
Rose (cabbage) - Ambassador of love
Rose (Christmas) - Tranquilize my anxiety; anxiety
Rose (damask) - Brilliant complexion
Rose (dark crimson) - Mourning
Rose (moss) - Confessions of love
Rose (orange) - Fascination, Display feelings of enthusiasm
Rose (peach) - Desire, Gratitude, Appreciation, Admiration, Sympathy, Modesty
Rosemary - Remembrance, Devotion, Purity, Rebirth
Sage - Wisdom, Virtue, Long life
Salal - Zest
Salvia -(blue) I think of you
Scabious - Unfortunate love, Widowhood
Smilax - Loveliness
Snapdragon - Deception, Concealment, Graciousness, Presumption, Dazzling
Snowball - Bound
Snowdrop - Hope, January Birth Flower
Sorrel - Wit, Affection
Spearmint - Warm sentiment
Spiderflower - Elope with me
Star of Bethlehem - Purity
Stargazer Lily (pink) - Wealth & prosperity
Statice - Remembrance, Sympathy, Success
Stephanotis - Happiness in marriage, Desire to travel
Stock - Bonds of affection, Promptness, You’ll always be beautiful to me, Lasting beauty, Happy life, Contented existence
Straw (Broken) - Broken contract
Straw (Whole) - Union
Strawberry - Perfect goodness, Esteem, Love
Sunflower - Devotion, Haughtiness, Loyalty, Warmth, Happiness, Wishes, Adoration, Longevity, Uncommon beauty, 3rd Anniversary Flower, Kansas State Flower
Sweet Basil - Good wishes
Sweet Pea - Goodbye, Departure, Blissful pleasure, Thank you for a lovely time, Lasting pleasure, I think of you, 30th Anniversary Flower, April Birth Flower
Sweet William - Gallantry, Smile, Finesse
Sycamore - Curiosity
Thistle - Retaliation, Austerity
Thyme - Strength and courage, Ensures restful sleep, Activity
Tree of Life - Old age
Truffle - Surprise
Trumpet Flower - Fame
Tuberose - Dangerous pleasure
Tulip (general) - Fame, Charity; Perfect lover, Elegance, Grace, 11th Anniversary Flower, Flower emblem of Holland
Tulip (red) - Perfect love, Believe me, Declaration of love, Fame
Tulip (variegated) - Beautiful eyes
Tulip (yellow) - Hopeless love, Cheerful thoughts, Sunshine in your smile
Tulip (white) - Forgiveness
Tulip (purple) - Royalty
Tulip (violet) - Modesty
Tulip (blue) - Watchfulness, Faithfulness, I’ll always be true
Turnip - Charity
Valerian - Accommodating disposition
Veronica - Fidelity
Vine - Intoxication
Violet - Modesty, Calms tempers, Induces sleep, 50th Anniversary Flower, February Birth Flower
Viole (blue) - Watchfulness, Faithfulness, I'll always be true
Violet (white) - Let's take a chance on happiness, Youthful innocence
Violet (purple) - Thoughts of you, Blue love
Violet (yellow) - Love of country
Viscaria - Will you dance with me?
Walnut - Intellect
Water Lily - Purity of heart, July Birth Flower
Weeping Willow - Mourning
Wheat - Friendliness, Riches
Wisteria - Welcome
Witch Hazel - A spell
Woodbine - Fraternal love
Woodruff - Sweet humility
Wormwood - Absence
Xeranthemum - Cheerfulness under adverse conditions
Yarrow - Health, Healing, Sorrow
Yew - Sorrow
Zephyr - Expectation
Zinnia - Thoughts of absent friends, In memory of an absent friend
Zinnia (magenta) - Lasting affection, Think of or in memory of an absent friend
Zinnia (mixed) - Thinking of an absent friend
Zinnia (scarlet) - Constancy
Zinnia (white) - Goodness
Zinnia (yellow) - Daily remembrance
Flower Color Meanings
Black: Banishing, Discord, Endings, Grounding & centering, Releasing, Protection, Removal
Blue: Angelic protection, Blessings, Calm, Calming beauty, Changeability, Confidence, Creativity, Dedications, Devotion, Faithfulness, Fidelity, Forgiveness, Good fortune, Good health, Growth, Guidance, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Influence, Initiations, Inner peace, Inspiration, Intelligence, Laughter, Loyalty, Meditation, Opening blocked communications, Patience, Peace, Protection, Reassurance, Sincerity, Spirituality, Success, Tranquility, Trustworthiness, Truth, Understanding, Unity, Wisdom, Wounded pride
Aqua: Peace, Tranquility
Dark Blue: Blessings, Changeability, Create confusion (use w/ white or you will be the one confused!!), Dedications, Devotion, Good fortune, Growth, Happiness, Harmony in the home, Healing, Health, Influence, Initiations, Inspiration, Laughter, Light, Loyalty, Peace, Protection, Spirituality, Success, Tranquility, Truth, Wisdom
Indigo: Ambition, Changeability, Deafness, Deep meditation, Defenses, Depression, Emotional problems, Halt gossip or lies, Impulsiveness, Inertia, Promotes stillness, Reveal deep secrets, Stop situations or people
Light Blue: Communication, Creativity, Devotion, Faithful (this is where the term “true blue” originated), Health, Immortality, Innocence, Inspiration, Male youth, Meditation, Patience, Peace, Protection, Tranquility & blessings in the home, Protection of buildings, Spirituality, Tranquility, Understanding, Young people (especially males)
Royal Blue: Joviality, Laughter, Loyalty, Power, Protection
Silver Blue: Deep wisdom
Teal: Ambition, Abundance, Change, Fertility, Finance, Fortune, Growth, Happiness, Material gain, Renewal, Success
Turquoise: Awareness, Change, Community mindedness, Creativity, Insight, Invention, Meditation, Originality, Renewal
Bronze: Grounding, Hard work, Neutrality, Protection, Strength
Brown: Animals & pets healing, Attract money, Blessings, Eliminates indecisiveness, Financial success, Find lost items, Friendship, Grounding, Harmony, Hesitation, House blessing, Improves concentration, Influencing friendships, Intuition, Material gain, Neutrality, Peace in the home, Special favors, Stability, Study
Dark Brown: Bringing solidity to the home
Light Brown: Material benefits for the home
Copper: Balance, Blessings, Business growth, Career moves, Fertility, Goals, Healing, Love, Money, Passion, Professional growth, Protection, Repels the negative
Gold: Attraction, Blessings, Charm, Confidence, Courage, Dedications, Fast financial gain, Fast luck, Financial benefits, Good or great fortune, Happiness, Initiations, Intuition, Justice, Luck, Masculine, Money, Peace, Playful humor, Positive thinking, Power, Protection, Purifying, Safety, Understanding, Wealth, Winning
Dark Gold: Beginnings, Prosperity
Pale Gold: Prosperity in health
Green: Abundance, Balance, Blessings, Charity, Dedications, Fertility, Finance, Fortune, Generosity, Good fortune, Growth, Harmony, Healing, Initiations, Luck, Marriage, Material gain, Money, Personal goals, Prosperity, Rejuvenation, Renewal, Success, Wealth
Apple Green: Emotional healing, Protection
Chartreuse: Confidence, Growth, Prosperity, Travel
Dark Green: Ambition, Blessings, Financial matters, Greed, Jealousy
Emerald: Attracts abundance, Fertility, Love attraction, Social pleasures
Lime: Success
Mint: Financial gains (use w/ gold &/or silver)
Olive: Anger, Cowardice, Discord, Jealousy, Sickness
Sea Green: Calming, Emotional healing, Protection
Grey: Complex issues, Sparks confusion, Negates or neutralizes a negative influence, Banishment, Releasing of issues
Charcoal Grey: Glamour
Light Grey: Confusion, Destruction, Dreams, Intuition, Neutralization, Removes negativity, Stability, Stalemate
Magenta: Spiritual healing, Exorcism of anything negative, Inner/self love, Positive rapid changes, Quick changes, Spiritual healing, Super power
Orange: Action, Adaptability, Ambition, Attraction, Authority, Blessings, Business goals, Career goals, Changes luck, Control, Courage, Draw good things, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Fortune, Friendship, Good luck, Inspiration, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Legal matters, Material gain, Overcome addictions, Physical action, Positive thinking, Power, Promotes fun, Property deals, Recharges the intellect, Seal a spell, Selling, Stimulates sociability, Stimulation, Strength, Success, Sudden changes, Vitality
Apricot: Gentle strength, Joy
Burnt Orange: Love bondage, Opportunity
Peach: Calming, Friendship, Gentle strength, Inspiration, Joy, Unity
Terra Cotta: Attract a soul mate
Pink: Affection, Caring, Emotional healing, Emotional love, Friendships, Gentleness, Harmony, Honor, Love, Nurturing, Partnerships, Peace, Relationships, Romance, Selfless love, Service, Spiritual awakening, Spiritual healing, Togetherness, Wishes
Dark Pink: Dispel gloom & negativity
Hot Pink: Extreme joy, Sensual pleasure
Light Pink: Friendships, Young females
Rose Pink: Enhance relationships, Self-love
Purple: Ambition, Blessings, Break bad luck, Business progress, Dedications, Financial reward, Goals, Hidden knowledge, Honors, Idealism, Independence, Influence people in high places, Initiations, Intuition, Power, Progress, Protection, Royalty, Self assurance, Spiritual healing, Stress relief, Success, Wisdom
Dark Purple: Government, Wisdom
Lavender: Dignity, Favors for others, Healing, Intuition, Knowledge, Peace, Protection, Spirituality
Orchid: Happiness, Healing, Power
Violet: Attraction, Healing, Intuition, Inspiration, Peace, Piety, Power, Sentiment, Spirituality, Tension, Truth
Red: Ambition, Anger, Blessings, Career goals, Charity, Cleansing, Courage, Danger, Dedications, Driving force, Energy, Enthusiasm, Fast action, Fertility, Fiery, Health, Initiations, Intense desire, Love, Lust, Pain, Passion, Power, Purifying, Romantic atmosphere, Stamina, Strength, Will power
Burgundy: Sensuality
Cranberry: Courage, Love, Passion
Crimson: Affection, Anxiety, Beauty, Joy, Pleasure, Sovereignty, Wealth
Light Red: Deep platonic affection
Ruby: Passionate anger or love
Silver: Communication, Dreams, Fast money, Gambling, Intuition, Meditation, Neutrality, Stability, Victory, Wisdom
White: Blessings, Cleansing, Confound enemies, Create illusion, Dedications, Healing, Initiations, Life attainments, Peace, Positive vibration, Protection, Purity, Sincerity, Spiritual enlightenment, Spirituality, Truth seeking, Virtue, Wholeness
Yellow: Accelerated learning, Activity, Action, Attraction, Blessings, Breaking mental blocks, Charm, Cleansing, Comfort, Confidence, Courage, Creativity, Concentration, Dedications, Gain confidence of others, Healing, Imagination, Initiations, Intelligence, Joy, Knowledge, Logical imagination, Memory, Mental powers, Mind, New skills, Power of persuasion, Protection, Selling yourself, Sudden changes, Trade, Travel, Unity
Anniversary Flowers
1st - Pansy
2nd - Lily of the Valley, Cosmos
3rd - Sunflower, Fuschia
4th - Hydrangea, Geranium
5th - Daisy
6th - Calla Lily
7th - Freesia, Jack-in-the-Pulpit
8th - Lilac, Clematis
9th - Bird of Paradise, Poppy
10th - Daffodil
11th - Tulip, Morning Glory
12th - Peony
13th - Chrysanthemum, Hollyhock
14th - Orchid, Dahlia
15th - Rose
20th - Aster, Day Lily
25th - Iris
28th - Orchid
30th - Lily, Sweet Pea
40th - Gladiolus, Nasturtium
50th - Violet
Birth Month Flowers
January - Carnation, Snowdrop
February - Iris, Violet, Primrose
March - Daffodil, Jonquil
April - Daisy, Sweet Pea
May - Lily, Lily of the Valley
June - Rose (red), Honeysuckle
July - Delphinium, Larkspur, Water Lily
August - Gladiolus, Poppy
September - Aster, Morning Glory
October - Calendula, Cosmos
November - Chrysanthemum
December - Poinsettia, Narcissus, Holly